Inequality in close relationships

/ about
The European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) and the International Association for Relationship Research (IARR) are pleased to invite submissions for a joint virtual symposium, “What’s Love Got To Do With It (Part II): Inequality in Close Relationships” to be held May 15th, 2024. This symposium follows the first IARR/EASP symposium, “What's Love Got To Do With It: Diversity in Close/Romantic Relationships” held in 2022.
We welcome presentations that take social psychological, relationship science, and/or interdisciplinary perspectives on inequality in close relationships. Inequality in relationships, deriving from social structures that advantage some groups relative to others, may refer to an imbalance of power between partners belonging to different groups. It may also refer to experiences of inequality in other life domains that affect one or both partners, and, in turn, their relationship. This symposium will therefore focus on inequalities based on gender, sexuality, race, religion, age, ability, socioeconomic status, or other identities that influence partners’ relationship maintenance and quality, broadly defined.
The format will comprise a keynote and short presentations. The keynote will consist of a 20-minute presentation delivered by Dr. Belle Derks of Utrecht University followed by 10 minutes of questions; each short presentation will consist of a 5-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions. Presentations will be live on Zoom. The exact time of the meeting will be communicated later, but it will take place in the morning for North and South American time zones, in the afternoon for European, African, and Middle Eastern time zones, and in the evening for Asian and Oceanian time zones. Submissions may include both published and unpublished work, and primary data, secondary data, or reviews. If primary data, it must have already been collected and analyzed by the time of abstract submission.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.
Researchers who are interested in attending the symposium without presenting their own work are cordially invited. Please use the link for abstract submission below, complete the form and indicate (in the title/abstract fields) that you are interested in attending as a non-presenting participant.
Abstracts (in English) should be 1800 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation, not including title) and be submitted by March 15th, 2024. The title should be a concise description of the content (< 120 characters). The body of the abstract must be formatted with the following headings: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Abstracts will be reviewed, and prospective presenters will be informed regarding acceptance by April 15th.
Please send questions to Tara Marshall (marsht6@mcmaster.ca), Claudia Manzi (claudia.manzi@unicatt.it) or Nurit Shnabel (shnabeln@tauex.tau.ac.il).